Aeroponic and/or Hydroponic Maximizing Plant Growth: The Versatility of Low Stress Training (LST)


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Hello Again Fellow Hydro Gardeners!

I wanted to open the floor for the discussion of Low Stress Training (LST) which is a form a training for your plants.

Exploring various methods to nurture our plants, let's dive into the remarkable world of Low Stress Training (LST), a versatile technique applicable to an array of herbs and plants, such as Basil. Unlike high-stress techniques, LST involves gently manipulating the shape and structure of plants to encourage lateral growth and optimize light exposure, minimizing stress to the plants.

Understanding Low Stress Training (LST):

LST is a gentle method that involves strategically bending stems and branches, allowing for a wider and more open plant structure. This technique aims to improve light distribution, air circulation, and overall plant health without causing undue stress.

This is great for maximizing growth in both outdoor and indoor growing. However this can be super useful for indoor growing when space is limited and you're wanting to get the most out of your space.

The Diverse Benefits of Low Stress Training (LST):

  1. Enhanced Light Penetration: By gently guiding the growth of Basil or other herbs, LST ensures that more parts of the plant receive essential light. This encourages the development of more budding sites and foliage, leading to healthier and more abundant harvests.
  2. Improved Airflow and Disease Prevention: An open canopy due to LST allows better air circulation around the plant, reducing the risk of moisture-related issues and creating an environment less conducive to pests and diseases.
  3. Space Optimization: LST is an ideal technique for small spaces, indoor gardens, or balconies. It encourages lateral growth, making it perfect for maximizing yields in limited areas.
  4. Adaptability to Different Plants: LST is not limited to specific herbs or plants; it can be applied to a variety of species. From Basil to thyme or even strawberries, the technique allows growers to customize training methods based on individual plant needs.

Applying LST to Your Herb Garden:

  • Start LST early in the plant's growth phase when stems are still flexible.
  • Use soft ties like garden twine or plant-friendly tape to gently secure stems.
  • Regularly adjust ties to accommodate growth while avoiding damage to the plant.
  • You can also purchase or 3D print LST clips that put perfect bends in your stems
    • Below is the LST clip I 3D printed. This clip was designed by PLASTX_LAB and can be purchased here so you can 3D print it as well!
    • 1704629092257.png

Sources and Further Reading:

  • The Spruce - "How to Train Your Plants"
  • Gardening Know How - "Low Stress Training"
Share your experiences or inquire about using LST for different plants. Let's cultivate a thriving community where gardeners learn and grow together!

Happy gardening! 🌱🌿